Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Check out "the crafty crow" for a great Japanese fabric giveaway!! Yay!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

We're Guilty Have Mercy

Well its a new year now and I found that I hadn't put up a post in a while. We had Christmas then New Years and in between we drove 18 hours to Kansas City for the Onething Conference.
I feel lik I'm just getting back into the swing of things!

We heard some awesome messages and worship at the IHOP conference. What an awesome group of people. One of the songs I just can't get out of my head...

We are standing in the gap
between this nation and your wrath

We're guilty, Have Mercy

The Blood upon our hands
Is the blood of innocence

Were guilty, Have Mercy

Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation
End Abortion Send Revival

-Tim Reimher

I want to be a part of the ending of the murder of my generation. I don't want to just stand idly by and expect someone else to do something.

So- if you haven't heard of IHOP...check them out. They have been praying 24/7 since 1999 and have some incredibly worship music and leaders. and -- for the ending of abortion.

I'm excited to see what God is gonna do!!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sleep Trial

So an update from last nights sleep trial with miss karis in her bed.... Yeah- so i definately wimped out and brought her into our room, which unfortunately did not solve the sleep issue, but did stop the crying.

I don't know what to do. I guess my real dilemma is this: I think...well I know I can handle the crying as long as I know she's alright. But.......... she could be teething. Or maybe her stomach hurts. This is what is rolling through my mind as I listened to her scream at 1am. I can go from thinking - She's fine, she'll get over it. I can handle it. To thinking......I am a horrible mother for letting her cry like this. There HAS to be SOMETHING wrong to scream like that.

And so again last night I was the 24 hour baby buffet. All my hair was felt and pulled. All my teeth touched and accounted for. Both of my eyelids were checked and rechecked opened and closed, to ensure they still worked. My nose was probed with little fingers. I was the support for several balancing acts. I was a passi detector in the dark.

And got very little snoozing done.

Even with all that said. When you wake up in the morning and see that beautiful little lady laying there smiling at you, all you can do is smile.

Yet hope remains...she went to sleep on her own tonight with out any fuss.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


So...I have failed to put any pictures of my husband on here...and he is. After noting that my blog looked like that of a single mom i decided i should showcase him...

All Night Baby Buffet

Well- I knew the day would eventually come when Miss Karis would have to go in her crib. For the first three months we put it off because daddy said that she was "too little". Then, she had learned to sleep in her swing and how could we make her sleep all alone in a big crib? After that, she found sleep easy in her bassinet (which she by the way, would not sleep in as a newborn). So until she was about 7 months old thats where she stayed. Cozy, snug...still in our room.

Well, at the end of september we moved and Karis was about to outgrow the bassinet. So, now would be the perfect time to get in the crib, right?!? Well, the crib wasn't at the new house and assembled for about 2 weeks, so in the mean time Kairis slept in a palet in our floor beside the bed...and then ended up in the bed. And then the sleep deprivation for the McBrides began.

It was was cozy. It was easy to nurse. But then I was being pushed out of the bed. Eric was being kicked in the back. I was an all night baby buffet! And then it hit me last week...she has GOT to get in her crib.

So we let her cry it out while we sat in the up and left...pat her back...cried...sang la la la. A nd then she fell asleep. The first night was great. She slept from 830 till 1:30, when she got up and nursed. Then she slept til 330, when her passi fell out. After it was replaced she slept til feeding time again at 6. The 2nd night was almost identical to the first, except there wasnt as much crying. This was working it seemed. And then the curnve ball... last night. She went right to sleep, at 830, no crying. But then woke up at 1230, 130,230, 330,and 430.Needless to say, i need some advice. Tonight I am trying again. Before she drifted off to sleep she cried for about 30 min ! It makes me feel so sad to hear her crying like that. But we all need our sleep...

Sleep. Who needs it?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Christmas Christmas!!!

Well, the tree is up and my baby girl remains intrigued each morning, noon and night when she sees it. Funny how the smallest things are so exciting to a baby! We also went to get Karis' pictures taken in her santa dress. Here are some of them. They turned out so cute!

I also have began my endeavor to make Karis a three little fishies quilt. I have sewn up the whole quilt top...which is miraculous! I work on it at night after Karis goes to sleep. It looks like its gonna turn out alright!

Christmas shopping for family is done ...most will be coming in the mail. I've never really done a lot of shopping online, but it was really helpful to not have to go out to the mall with the baby in the craziness!! We still have to shop for Karis, but then thats it! I love the wrapping way more than the shopping itself. All the pretty packages waiting for christmas under the tree always reminds me of christmas at home.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Almost Turkey Time... but Ready for Christmas!

We spent the day today helping my mom get ready for thanksgiving...I helped make a Tiramsu Trifle. It looked delicioso!! They have their tree up and so it really makes me want to put ours up. As soon as we get rid of our furniture, and pick up the new couch...THEN we'll put up the tree!

I'm really excited for christmas this year. It'll be Karis's first christmas and she'll have no idea whats going on I suppose! At least we get to stop and spend time with our families. I've had the christmas music playing for the last week or so, so I'm ready!!